Hello, Miduxa. God, do I feel bad about myself... Had I seen the threatening signs, would you still be there? Now that you have spoken out your mind and written out your decision, do I still have the right to even comment on it? Please allow me to.
Of course I respect your decision (how could I not do it?), but let me tell you that I believe it's not too late for you to come back, if you change your mind. And if you do, I am sure you could find more interesting and creative ways to deal with this topic. That might include talking about environmental concerns as well as relating the topic to other important and more relevant themes. Talking about how different life is nowadays from what it used to be, let's say 15 years ago - because of technology. When it comes to household tasks, when it comes to the way we communicate, when it comes to the way we learn about what is going on in the world, when it comes to the freetime activities we get ourselves involved into... You have proven you have the ability to go beyond the oriented tasks suggested to other students. This blog is the living proof of it. Don't let it die.
You are a strong and determined Woman, and I'm sure you won't let the flame die out.
E depois do adeus?
Há 6 anos
3 comentários:
I miss your classes
Sometimes I want to be back......
I like the class and the English teacher, there I always learned a lot....but in other classes it seems that we are people with low education.
There is little involvement of teachers,
we are just a number, we only spend the taxpayers' money, someone needs us to the statistics, and we could be learning skills.
Sorry..... this is my thinking
Miduxa, I understand your frustration. I feel it everyday, and the way the whole process is organized (or disorganized) makes things difficult for both teachers and students. I often feel we, as a country, are wasting an awesome opportunity to improve the skills of a part of our population.
But human relationships aren't always easy, are they? I do wish things can be worked out if you wish to come back. I know I would like to see my most enthusiastic student back :)
Thank you... I haven't more words to say you .......
Thanks for to believe me and understand me...
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