sexta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2009

Remember Rachel Corrie

The Murder

On March 16, 2003, Rachel Corrie and seven other Internaitonal Solidarity Movement (ISM) activists were protesting Israeli house demolitions. Rachel stood in the bulldoze'rs path, but the Israeli Defence Forces driver did not stop. After crushing her, he then put the dozer into reverse, without lifting its blade, and dug the blade over and into her body again.

Three activists ran to her and began administering first-responder medical treatment . . . She said, "My back is broken!" but nothing else.

sexta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2009


You can not leave that to be too late

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009


The sun and the heat came. I go to the south.
Beaches await me

For all of you good holidays