Hello dear
You are, indeed, the only person who continues to visit this blog.
I continued to write because I was happy to learn the English language and even with errors is the only way to get reading English.
It's your fault the start and the continuation of this blog
We'll see us here
Good luck
Where are you teaching now ?
1 comentário:
Dear Miduxa,
It's been a long time since I last came here, but I still have your blog on my list. Now and again I stop by.
It's also been a long time since you have written a post, I hope you will do it whenever you are in the vein. I myself have created a few sites, wikis or blogs but don't seem to find either the time or the inspiration to keep them going. My students don't read them, nor does anyone else for that matter, so why bother, right? Well, I just do it when I find things that I really want to put up there - if not for the others, at least for myself. If it's a post per year, so be it.
I am still teaching in the same school, I am teaching English to EFA courses and I am also teaching English as a UFCD (Unidade de Formação de Curta DUração).
I hope everything is OK with you!
My very best regards,
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