Earth Water was founded on the simple concept, ‘If you had the chance, would you change the world’.
The United Nations Refugee Agency is currently at work in over 110 countries, including some of the most dismal and poverty stricken places on earth. UNHCR provides the basic needs of survival to more than 32.9 million refugees and displaced people, who have fled from persecution and armed conflict, and are now living in desperate conditions. UNHCR possesses the infrastructure, personnel, and expertise to ensure that the money from the sale of Earth Water directly benefits those who need it the most.
Earth Water funds projects related to the acquisition, storage, and distribution of fresh clean water, focusing on both emergency provisions and developing sustainable water sources for people living in poverty. History has proven time and time again the importance of the work carried out by the UNHCR. We at Earth Water are proud to support their efforts.
Portugal began this week in a pioneering project of solidarity.
Water packed Earth Water is the only product in the world with the seal of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees (UNHCR), reversing its profit for the aid program of water that institution.
Nationally, the Earth Water is a project that has the support of Tetra Pak, the mainland of Central Beers and Spirits of MSTF Partners, GCI Group and the Foundation's Luis Figo.
With the selling price to the public (PVP) of 59 cents, a pack of Earth Water says that the label "offers 100% of their profits to the global aid program's water UNHCR, showing below the slogan" The water worth water.
Currently 6 thousand people die daily in the world for lack of drinking water.
With 4 cents, the UNHCR can provide water to a refugee for a day.
"Every day six thousand people die for lack of drinking water and 80% of these are children. Every 15 seconds a child dies of a disease related to water. With the creation of Earth Water wants to be a difference and improve these frightening statistics. In developing the concept of "You Never Drink Alone" is intended to create solution to the shortage of water worldwide. Help! DISCLOSED!