sábado, 28 de fevereiro de 2009

Homesickness, sad, melancholy..?

Sometimes you feel Homesickness?

Homesickness, it's universal. Psychologists call it "separation anxiety" and few people are immune.

This is true, but I feel homesickness too when I must to do some homework about household appliances.
(I also feel homesickness when I eat a cake and I know that I can’t eat it)

Here are a few tips to help you through it now or in the future:
Stay active. If you sit on the sidelines, you'll have more time to think about feeling sad. Talk to people and throw yourself into activities, and before you know it, you'll be too busy to be homesick

So here I’m to talk someone to say I don´t like this part of lessons, for instance, to write about myself and mine life's experience.
I liked more to learn about news, countries that I don’t know, environmental concerns, global warming and can to do something about the most unprotected and the environment
Sorry teacher, but I think this subject boring. I know you have no guilt.
I like you very much

sexta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2009

Tv is good or bad?

Long time ago, when there was no TV, children played in the street even with rain or wind, and they were very happy. They had true friends and they were healthy.

A new book says that kids these days spend twice as much time in front of a TV or computer screen as in the classroom.
The book on how big business targets young consumers aggressively through new media suggests that children are a captive audience for sophisticated and energetic marketing techniques, as they spend so much of their day online or in front of the television.
I think tv is good and is necessary for everybody, TV was an invention that revolutionized the world and our way of thinking, but mainly for the younger generation TV should be consumed with care.

So, now that the sun shines, we'll walk on the beach or field, read books and talk.

It’s good for body and mind

What A Wonderful World

....and I think to myself, what a wonderful world....

A world where there is no difference, where all we are the same. A friends' world

sábado, 21 de fevereiro de 2009

Ergonomy in work place

Professionals who spend an extensive amount of time in front of computers are at high risk for Repetitive Strain Injuries. These musculoskeletal disorders, including carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, lower back pain and tension headaches.

What postures will the professionals have to adopt?

sexta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2009


The brightness of the sun enter into my window. I count the rays of sun patiently. There is a small ray of sunshine is missing. That

terça-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2009


I invite you to see the movie "Australia" and to listen de music "Over the rainbow".

Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman were the stars of the movie.

domingo, 15 de fevereiro de 2009

Two new spaces online

Dear students,
I have created a website where I will publish relevant information for our classes and for the learning of English.
Take a look at the Homepage and then, more specifically, at the NG1 page.

It is a modest contribution, and I hope you will find it useful. There are links to vocabulary pages, vocabulary exercises, videos related to NG1, and the worksheets distributed in class can also be accessed there.

Enjoy it!


For Matilde, my granddaughter

She loves this and always asks me to play this music for her dance

So, for her and for all who want a fun day

I wish all of you a good Sunday

And if we try to translate this beautiful song and then Francisco played it

sábado, 14 de fevereiro de 2009

This story should appear in the newspaper ........

A real picture

This is a hard story of war, and touches us our heart.....
The wife of John Gebhardt, Mindy, said that all family of this child was executed.The performers wanted to execute her also and they still reached her in the head ... they did not manage to kill her. She was treated at the Hospital of John, is recovering, but she cries and moans a lot. The nurses said that John is the only one who can to calm her. So John spent the last 4 nights holding her lap in the chair, while they were sleeping. The girl has been recovering gradually.

They have become true "stars" of the war. John represents what the Western world (???) would like to do.

This, my friends,it's to share with the whole World. Let's go to do that!

You never see news of this in the TV .
If you have been touched, make themselves known. All we need to see that there are people like John to make the difference.

We can not direct the wind, but we can adjust our sail

(My friends and teacher, sorry my mistakes, but I have to write this love story now, because people are doing a world without love.....)

quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2009


It is my opinion that Charles Darwin has contributed more to our understanding of the world around us than any other person in the last 2,000 years of Human History.


terça-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2009

Our guardian angel - Happy Birthday

I have an angel, an guardian angel who is with me night and day

God needed to renew their angels and took him - Happy birthday

segunda-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2009

What can we do?

Can we do something?

If you believe in God pray for these children of the world

quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2009

Using and re-using, or using and throwing away?

How often do you replace technical devices, gadgets and appliances?
Are you the type of person who always wants the latest technology and therefore replaces their devices and gadgets on a regular basis or do you use, fix and re-use them until they wear out or fall apart?
