What is in a day?
Something that makes thoughts real! Maybe!... Reality is a beautiful rebirth of the conscious mind! So lets make every day, something to remember, because moments in the day are only seeds to grow. But even though we talk about reality, something is in a day that makes it so special. Having a friend like you, transforms a day into a very fantastic reality...
2 comentários:
I can only to thanks the beautiful words you write about me. I think sincerely I don’t worthy, but I want to say you are a good friend with who I like to talk.
One day, soon, I’m going to remember with emotion these moments…….
And other moments when all of us works like really friends, when we eat some cakes to celebrate some football game or anything, only to be a few with others
Hello Miduxa.
As promise, I am leaving a few suggestions on how to improve your text.
1st - Don't use "to" and don't use the present simple after the modal verb "can";
2nd - The post had already been written, so I suggest you use "wrote" (simple past of "write") when you comment on that post;
3rd - Put the adverb "sincerely" between the subject and the verb;
4th - "don't" is an auxiliary verb, so it must be followed by a verb (not an adjective like "worthy"). Since there is no verb "worth", you should use the verb "be" and the adjctive "worthy" (I am not worthy of it"), or use another verb, like "deserve";
5th - You can't use "who" after a preposition, you must use "whom";
6th - "all of us" is plural, so you can't use the 3rd person verb form "works";
7th - "really" is an adverb, so it can't be used before a noun; you really must use an adjective;
8th - I suggest you talk about eating cakes in the past (namely because you are going to start a new diet :)...);
9th - only (or "just") to be together;
10th - Keep up the good work.
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