segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009

Let's make someone happy

How many of us have clothes in good condition, we do not wear.
What can we do with them?
How many people need clothes to wear or have a job.

There should be an institution that received the clothes and then give to the people who wanted to.
I don't know any institution.
Who knows?
How many people we could help by making their dreams come true

1 comentário:

JLukas disse...

Hi there, Miduxa.
Just a few words to tell you I still come by once in a while. It's good to know you keep the blog running.
As for the topic of this post, that is certainly something to think about. I believe clothes may be taken to "Cruz Vermelha", and other institutions, like "REMAR", but I'm sure there's a lot of work to be done in this field. I think there are also churches which will be glad to receive and distribute them. Make a research through Google, and you'll find some useful information.
All the best,